Free Consultation

We offer free, no-obligation consultations to allow you the opportunity to discuss with our practitioners whether treatment is right for you. These sessions last approximately 15 minutes and will give you time to ask any questions you may have. Our practitioners will be able to tell you if treatment is suitable for you or whether another option may be better for you.


Osteopathy is a hands-on therapy that can help to treat an array of health conditions, primarily those of a musculoskeletal nature.


Chiropractic is a skilled profession that utilises a hands-on approach, sometimes involving manipulations/adjustments (depending on the patient) to help relieve functional issues and pain

Sports Therapy

Sports therapists look at how an individual functions (not just for sports people) and looks at ways to improve any issues through use of hands on therapy, including massage and mobilisations, as well as giving exercises to help give a long-term solution

Sports Massage

Sports massage is a type of strong massage, not just for sporty individuals, that can help to improve flexibility and reduce muscular pain


Chinese acupuncture works with the principles of Chinese medicine to help with health maintenance and disease treatment and prevention

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymph drainage can help to move built up fluid and toxin out of the body, to help the body function well and reduce swelling

Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage is a type of Japanese massage that works on the principles of Chinese medicine, such as qi and meridians. It uses pressure to help restore function and relieve pain

Menopause Support Clinic

A combination of acupuncture and nutrition coaching to help support you through your menopause journey.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is an effective treatment technique for a range of conditions, such as plantarfasciitis, tennis elbow, achilles tendinopathy and more. It is particularly helpful for tendon issues and trigger points

Foot Care

Foot healthcare practitioners help maintain healthy feet by addressing things like: nail trimming, callus and corn removal, fungal nail and more.


Using zones of the feet, reflexology can be used to help relieve pain and dysfunction throughout the body, while bringing about a sense of calm


A combination of osteopathy and sports massage to help relieve muscle tension and improve joint function

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Located at: SoCo Therapies, 175 Holdenhurst Rd, Bournemouth
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